Peaceful life under the sea

Tuden Mootyen

Peaceful life under the sea..All living creatures are moving around through the corals.
The whole world must reduce carbon emission in the atmosphere, thus creating carbon film which is preventing infrared heat from radiating in the atmosphere and in return get reflected by the carbon film and back to the earth…When the earth temperature increases, the sea also get heated thus dangerous to these living creatures and corals. My message to the world….Each and everyone should participate in reducing the carbon film englobing our beautiful blue planet..Let’s leave a better world for our future generations.

  • Single Artist
  • Painting
  • 2022
  • Black felt pen, Watercolor, Chinese black ink & Black Coffee
  • Watercolor on Canson Paper 300 gsm
  • 640 | 440 | 0.0.05
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